Saturday, February 16, 2008

Questions about 1984

  1. Are there any current situations in the world that relate to the novel?

Yes, I think that there are many coutries that still live in a brainwashed society even today. The most similar example can be North Korea. Everyone is brainwashed and they know nothing more than what the government tells them. Kim Jong-Ill is like "Big Brother" who everyone adores and thinks highly of. North Koreans have a ration on everything like they do in the book 1984. The history they know is all modified and they hear about victories of their country but actually they are suffering inside their own country and they hold no threat or a great importance in the world. People are closely watched and a little mistake can make them in BIG trouble. In the book, 1984, the main characters Winston and Julia think of breaking rules and not getting caught. Personally I don't think that North Korean people can rebel this way toward the government because they don't feel that they are living in a bad situation and the police is much more tense there. Once in a while a person might find out a better life or they might be running away from capture. Then they will think of escaping over to Korea or China. But many people can't think of escaping and even if they do a the majority of those people get caught.


Jesse Park said...

I also chose North Korea for this question~ It is very sad that there are still so many people around the world who doesn't even have basic human rights and freedoms. It is very depressing that they have to live under harsh oppression everyday. I am very thankful for my situation, and I hope that their current situations will get better soon.

Kangaroo said...

I agree that there are several countries where the "Big Brother" restricts the thought and the movement of the citizens. However, right now is better than the setting in 1984. In our world, there are countries that try and free these people from Big Brother's reign.
The people in 1984 are hopeless. The people only have the government's news and figures to believe in. In fact, the readers aren't even sure whether Eurasia or Eastasia exists...

David Kim said...

I also chose North Korea for this question. The thought that North Koreans are living in a situation like the book makes me sad because North Koreans are also Koreans. Moreover, the fact that people who are so close to us and who are like us are believing that their situation is in the best state it can get when people out of that country thinks poorly of it makes me get frustrated.