Monday, March 10, 2008

Greek GODS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Summarize your findings, then compare and contrast the god or goddess you chose to Hercules. How are their personalities, character traits, and stories similar? How are they different? Include a picture of your god or goddess.

Athena is the goddess of wisdom, strategy and war in Greek mythology. She is the daughter of Zeus and Metis. Her birth story is really interesting. Zeus heard of a prophesy that the children that Metis bore would become greater than the father. So he decided to swallow her before she could bear any children. But Metis was already pregnant and she gave birth to Athena. Since Metis was inside Zeus, Athena, fully grown, emerged from a crack in Zeus' head that someone made. (The Greek Myths by Robert Graves 8.a, ff.) From the time she was born she was a goddess. She didn't earn her way to become a god because both of her parents were gods.
Her trademarks were an owl, a goatskin breastplate called Aegis , with a helmet, and a shield with Gorgon Medusa's head. She was also accompanied by Nike, the goddess of victory.
The similarities between Athena and Hercules is that they are both skillful at war and fighting.
They are both Zeus' children and they also help or fight for what they think is right. But that is the end to their similarities. Athena is totally a goddess while Herculese is just a hero. I think that their personalities would be really different. As a godddess Athena would need to think carefully about everything she did and she is more well rounded at many different things because she is a goddess. Hercules can just think about minor stuff and he isn't good at everything because he is just a person. Hecules fought for his loved one while Athena helped people for good deeds they did and she never had a loved one.