Sunday, March 16, 2008

Questions on Animal Farm

What is the main theme of this novel? Why is this theme important to a teenager living in 2008?
I thought that the main theme of this novel was totalism like George Orwell's other dystopian novel, 1984. Basically there was a farm that was ruled by a group of animals, the pigs and the dogs, who played the act of the government. The common "people" or animals labored hard for the whole farm and produced the products while the pigs and the dogs lived off their labor doing nothing but acting all powerful. The dogs and pigs were in total order and power. They got to rule, not labor, get better food and sleeping places, etc. No other animal could even think of going against their rules because they couldn't even think that they were being cheated. Like 1984, those in power control ed everything starting from work time to even thinking. Orwell did a really good job explaining how the totalism government worked and why common people couldn't get out of the lifestyle circle. This is important to me as a teenager because there are still totalism governments in the 21century at work. One day I might be fighting for the people who are trapped inside their own totalian world. I would need to understand what the people are going through to understand what weaknesses there are to this type of government systems. I might even move to a country that is powered by totalian polices.